Saturday, January 30, 2010

Coconut Bliss Sampling and Bars at Eugene's Truffle Festival

Sample some Coconut Bliss for free at the Truffle festival this weekend...

It's happening Sunday, January 31st, 2010. Christina, our Demo Coordinator extraordinaire will be sampling many flavors of Bliss and selling BARS!!!

She'll also have a few of our hard-to-find Luna & Larry's Coconut Bliss T-shirts. We don't sell them...yet.

Festival Location: Valley River Inn, 1000 Valley River Way, Eugene Oregon
Time: 11am -4pm

A blissful weekend to you all!


  1. We're going to be there! Getting my tastebuds ready now...

  2. How was the event for you? Christina had fun, I went the to coast on Suday.
